Vote for Captain Jean-Luc Picard image

Vote for Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Dog Days of Summer Top Dog Contest

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Dog Days of Summer Top Dog Contest

Captain Jean-Luc Picard, our Top Dog contestant from North Water Brewing. JLP shares a lot in common with early Picard. Demands loyalty, barks at others if they're having too much fun, distrusts yet is tolerant of children. Also learned to play the flute after being probed by an alien satellite... Yet once you get to know him you understand he's a kind soul underneath it all.

Every year a Top Dog is crowned at the Dog Days of Summer. This year's entries are waiting for your vote. All donations made in the Top Dog contest are given to the Madonio Animal Trust to continue their efforts in helping animals within our community.

Don't miss your chance to select this year's Top Dog! Vote for Captain Jean-Luc Picard today!